I live on an island. The only way on or off is by boat (or private plane, but I don’t have one of those).
The Ferry service has become so unreliable that a trip to town to see a doctor, for example, is an all-day affair. You must leave hours before your appointment and figure you won’t get home until dark.
Everyone’s new favorite pastime is figuring out who to blame.
Could it be . . .
Government leaders, who ignored the fleet, the system, and the people to the point that the equipment is now ancient, obsolete, and broken?
Those same people for not funding sufficient recruiting, training, and compensation?
The decision to live on an island in the first place?
Three thoughts . . .
Years of neglect and putting off decisions means years and more years to “fix” the problem.
By the time the problems are fixed, there will be new unfixed problems to blame people for.
Things change. Sometimes, we love the changes. Sometimes, we don’t notice (until we do). Sometimes, it pisses us off.
I can control almost none of what goes on around me. I can control my expectations.
Expectations are always about “not now.” I have an expectation “about now” because of something that happened in the past or something I was hoping would happen in the future.
Expect less. Live in this moment more.