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We All Could Use Some “Sukha”

Language is powerful. If we use words with care, they help us make good distinctions and evoke helpful emotions.

Language can also be a sedative, dagger, or prison. We create all kinds of mischief when we are sloppy with our words and the meaning we intend to make.

Which brings me back to “Sukha.” It’s Sanskrit and roughly translates to mean, “genuine lasting happiness independent of circumstances.”

Or how about some “Orenda,” a first people (Huron) word that translates as ” the power of the human will to change the world in the face of powerful forces such as fate?”

Borrow an ancient word, or make up your own. Find a more evocative word to remind or trigger you to be who you want to be. Do something to bring some fresh language to your day to make space for fresh ideas about how you want to roll in life.


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