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Things Are What They Are. Meaning Is What You Make of It.  

That four-legged critter sitting on the couch is only a dog because that’s what we’ve agreed to call it.  Every single label we attach is made up.

There is no good or bad.

Nothing should be one way or another; things only are as they are.

Nobody should be one way or another; they are as they are.

Learn to stop labeling and start accepting people and events as they are.

There is no universal framework or structure. There are lots of them. They’re transitory as anything else is. The most meaningful one is the one you make for yourself.

Make your mental models and frameworks carefully. Pay attention to what you label “true” and “false.”

Change your mental models and labels when they stop working for you.

Actually, by the time you notice they’re not working for you might be too late. Change them sooner than that.