If you don’t spend a lot of time in Excel, none of the following will make sense:
Circular reference
And, you’re forgiven if you decide to stop reading, but bear with me a second.
Few things (or people) in life offer feedback so accurately, reliably, emphatically, immediately, and without judgment. Emphatic and “with judgment” are in generous supply. The rest is more hit-and-miss.
I must confess that, at times, these error messages can be frustrating. They can also be addictive. Challenge accepted! Two hours later, I’ll still be on the dopamine drip of working on a big model and watching those error messages drop like flies.
I know; put down the spreadsheet and go for a walk.
The real world isn’t so neat and tidy. With few exceptions, the “rules” really aren’t. They’re more like norms, conventions, accommodations, best practices, and common courtesies. It’s not always obvious when we run afoul of one of these, and who is to be the judge of that anyway?
Next time you find yourself channeling your inner Excel, getting ready to immediately and emphatically offer feedback you’re sure is accurate and reliable, consider doubling down on the “without judgment” part. Maybe the immediate and emphatic parts as well.
“Accurate” and “reliable” are in the beholder’s mind.
Just Sayin’.