The End of the World, Again and Again
Without thinking too hard about it, I can recall thinking that each of the following events, all of which happened during my working life, were something like the end of the world. Black Monday (1987): On October 19, 1987, global stock markets experienced a massive crash, with the Dow Jones Industrial Average plummeting 22.6% in […]
Carry On
There is a point in every big deal when it looks like it will all fall apart. There is a point in any creative project where you become convinced that the work is crap, and it should be thrown away. There is a point in any writing project where the bank page just won’t stop […]
Plan Like a Pessimist, Work Like An Optimist
We plan, prepare, work, worry, work some more, use our skills, and employ our tactics and strategies, all in service of bringing about a positive outcome. Myriad causes, conditions, and often competitors add to the soup of our intentions. We like to think we have some measure of control over how things will turn out, […]
The Right to Say “No”
This may seem counterintuitive. Often, the best way to get to “yes” is to start with “no.” Here’s what I mean. Conventional sales wisdom says you want the other person to say “yes” a lot. It’s almost Pavlovian. Get them to say yes to lots of little things, and pretty soon, the only thing left […]
Sharp Tools
Over the years, I have made many things out of wood: buildings, furniture, cabinets, Art Boxes, doorstops, spoons, and the list goes on and on. To do that, I’ve used saws, drills, chisels, planes (manual and power), scorps, hook knives, carving knives to cut wood; rulers, squares, tapes, dividers, calipers, story sticks, and more to […]
What are Your “No Matter What’s?”
A “No Matter What” is a promise you make to yourself and to the people around you. It’s something they can count on . . . no matter what. It’s the other side of “What happens if” or “I could have if only.” Nope, this you do no matter what. You don’t need many of […]
Remember the Time When . . . ?
Yesterday, four of us went to a local car show. It’s a delightful tradition in our community and very down-to-earth. There are a few high-end wondercars, but mostly, it’s just fun stuff community members own. An MG TD parked next to a BMW 2002 on one side and a lifted Willys Jeep on the other. […]
Build Better Than Code
Talking with a colleague this morning about “code.” Not that kind. Building codes. They’re there for a reason. They level the playing field (everyone must meet a standard). They increase owner and buyer confidence (the building is safe, efficient, and durable). They make it possible for lenders to underwrite. Building codes also stifle innovation. You […]
The Excel Guide to Giving Feedback
If you don’t spend a lot of time in Excel, none of the following will make sense: ‘#Div/0 ‘#REF! ‘#SPILL ‘#NUM! ‘#VALUE! N/A Circular reference And, you’re forgiven if you decide to stop reading, but bear with me a second. Few things (or people) in life offer feedback so accurately, reliably, emphatically, immediately, and without […]
Take Care of Yourself
Our bodies are capable of extraordinary endurance, agility, strength, and sensitivity. We are capable of feelings and acts of profound sensitivity and love and great insight, inspiration, and intuition. Modern people ask much less of their bodies than they are capable of and yet subject their bodies to all manner of abuse due to poor […]