Tales of Glory from Old Belgium

In October of 2000, nearly 20 years ago from this reposting, I wrote a long series of posts reflecting on a trip I made to Belgium. These many years later, I find the writing solid if a bit florid, and the observations and reflections worth revisiting.

Riding with Rilke . . . a book review from long ago

I keep unearthing prose from an old blog I used to publish called Midlife Rider . . . don’t go looking because I gave the domain to someone else some years ago.  This bit is a review of a book I jus loved reading by a university professor’s journey from deep in the Canadian heartland down to Texas to research a book.  On a Ducati.

Tales From A Very Long Motorbike Trip

Another piece from 2008, a time when I was all about riding motorbikes . . . the longer the day the better.  This essay was written while on the road from Seattle through Washington, Oregon, California, and Nevada to a town called Tupac in Arizona.  And then back.

A Journey Through Nothing Surrounding by Nothing

I buy my first motorbike and journey forth.  Some good writing and wry observations about being a middle-aged guy on a motorcycle.  Another post from the “Way Back Machine,” first published in August of 2005

The Day Time Stood Still

Another entry from the “Way Back Machine,” written and published in August  of 2003, shortly after a searing trip to Hiroshima.  I saw the Bomb Dome, was visited by the ghosts of people who left before their time.  I was changed forever.  

When Twenty Meets Fifty

A road trip with my daughter in 2003 leads her to live in Japan for a year and me to think, yet again, about my own journey through life.