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Be Worthy of Trust

Trust. It’s the mechanism and byproduct of social engagement. Trust and its cousin, reciprocity, were the necessary ingredients that helped our ancestors form tribes 2.5 million years ago. Trust is also hard to define with precision, at least if you’re not an academic. It’s like the famous Oliver Wendell Holmes comment about obscenity. “I know […]

Making a Deal with the AI Devil

Someone I regard highly recommended as a search engine replacement. I headed straight there and signed up. I even bought the pro package (I believe in paying to use other people’s IP). And then . . . my wife sent me an article in Wired Magazine called Perplexity is a Bullshit Machine.  Ooooof.  It’s pretty damning. Basically, […]

Are You Sure? Really?

Philo means “love” or “friendship.” It comes from the Greek verb “philein.” Sophia means “wisdom,” “learning,” and “knowledge.” Historians think the philosopher Pythagoras (the guy who developed the theorem about right triangles) was the originator of the combination, “Philosophy” . . . a friend of wisdom. I think we would be better all around if […]

Our Children Are Watching

In 2002 I was thinking a lot about the ethical storm large companies were caught in, the drums of war in Central Asia, and my own journey towards some as yet to be discovered purpose.  From the title you can tell I was thinking here about ethics.

The Day Time Stood Still

Another entry from the “Way Back Machine,” written and published in August  of 2003, shortly after a searing trip to Hiroshima.  I saw the Bomb Dome, was visited by the ghosts of people who left before their time.  I was changed forever.  

Something is Rotten in Denmark . . . But What?

This is from the “Way Back Machine: First published in August of 2002.  It was and is a contemplation on   an epic period of corporate avarice.  One of many and a foreshadow of more to come not that many years later.