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Relax. Breathe. Wait.

Today, candidate Harris announced her pick for Vice President. It wasn’t who I was expecting. Why was I expecting someone else? Because the people I read were goofy for someone else. They had a logic.  They are so convinced of it, they called the other person, the Lebron James of the field.

This same day, the financial press is filled with authoritative commentary on why financial markets sold off yesterday. The carry trade. Crowded trades. Jitters. It’s Warren Buffet’s fault. Computers did it. AI.

I’m reading something I wrote on February 2, 2003. That was the day after the Columbia Space Shuttle disaster. I recall, even now, more than 20 years later, how shocking it was. I also recall, more dimly, the wall-to-wall coverage and the freely offered opinions about the causes and what it all meant for the space program, the nation, and humanity.

Most of it proved unhelpful. Wrong.

There’s news and noise, and right now, it’s all noise. Noise isn’t truth; it’s barely a facsimile, a first draft at best.

Relax. Breathe. Wait.