That pretty much sums up how we navigate our day.
Get up. Run the “get ready for work” routine.
It’s time to go to work. Run the “head out the door and start transportation” routine (assuming you leave home for work.”
It just goes and goes like that.
Not all day, but a lot of it. And, it’s a good thing.
If we had to consciously process every input we receive, every decision we need to make, every “next thing,” we’d still be working out how to open the toothpaste while everyone else was heading to lunch.
Everyone you interact with is doing the same thing. Click-Whirrr meets Click-Whirrr.
If you’re in the business of selling or persuading, Click-Whirrr can be your enemy, and Pattern Interrupt is your friend.
Imagine this: You’re cold-calling (or even warm-calling) someone. This assumes anyone answers their phone anymore.
“XYZ Inc, can I help you?”
“Yes, you can. This is Bill Smith calling for Mary Jones.”
Stop right there. What comes next? Yup.
“May I say what it’s regarding?”
This pattern likely ends with you not talking to Mary.
Now, how about this version.
“XYZ Inc, can I help you?”
“Yes, you can. This is Bill Smith calling for Mary Jones.”
“May I say what it’s regarding?”
“Actually, I have no idea.”
Pattern interrupt. Whatever comes next is a real conversation.
Try it. Maybe not that exact pattern interrupt. But think about how and when to use a pattern interrupt to stop the Click-Whirrr and start a real conversation.