Carry On

There is a point in every big deal when it looks like it will all fall apart.

There is a point in any creative project where you become convinced that the work is crap, and it should be thrown away.

There is a point in any writing project where the bank page just won’t stop staring back at you. There are no words. The muse seems to have left the building.

There is a point in any workout when you become convinced you just can’t go on.

If you meditate regularly, there are many points when you become so distracted that you wonder why you even bother sitting.

And reliably, there’s what’s past that point. You don’t get to know exactly what, but there is always something.

Sometimes, the deal really is doomed, but do enough deals, and you’ll find there is a way.

The muse will return.

You can endure.

Sitting through the distractions is kind of the point

Carry on. You can.