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Build Better Than Code

Talking with a colleague this morning about “code.”  Not that kind.

Building codes.

They’re there for a reason. They level the playing field (everyone must meet a standard). They increase owner and buyer confidence (the building is safe, efficient, and durable). They make it possible for lenders to underwrite.

Building codes also stifle innovation. You can’t do less than code, and why do more?  Your competitors aren’t.

And yet, there are builders who build “better than code.”

There’s a small but influential group of buyers who want and will pay for it.

Others take notice. They see that it’s possible.

Like any social system, the innovators excite the early adopters. At some point, the innovation jumps and now it’s mainstream.

All of this takes time.  Innovators are exasperated by the impediments to change.

And yet, bit by bit, change happens.

Building “better than code” can feel lonely, brave, stupid, exciting, and exhausting.

And yet, some of us keep pushing that edge.

Just because you don’t realize all the benefits immediately doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do it.

Build better than code.

The world needs that.