These are essays from the wayback machine. The topics are varied. Some are about business, but mostly rumination on current events and whatever caught my attention at the time.
Take Personal Responsibility
A decision is made when resources are allocated. If it’s just you involved, it’s “your” time, money, and effort. If many are involved in the
It’s Easier to Be Critical Than Creative
Criticizing, correcting, editing, rejecting—these are easy compared to the hard work of creating, originating, and inventing. In every human endeavor I can think of, there
The Paradox of Choice
Two researchers named Iyengar and Lepper conducted an experiment in a grocery store. They set up tasting stations in two locations and on different days.
Showing Up is Half the Battle
It seems silly to say this, but showing up is the first key to out-performance. Sometimes, this means at all. Get there. Sometimes, it’s about
The Second Arrow
There is a Buddhist teaching called the two arrows. Our lives are full of “stuff happens.” Some of it we like, some of it pains
Who Will Help?
You can’t do this alone, and more to the point, you don’t need to. If you don’t have these kinds of people in your life,