What are Your “No Matter What’s?”
A “No Matter What” is a promise you make to yourself and to the people around you. It’s something they can count on . . . no matter what. It’s the other side of “What happens if” or “I could have if only.” Nope, this you do no matter what. You don’t need many of […]
I wrote this 22 years ago. It’s on my website somewhere. I think it still holds up. How will this day be remembered? Years from now, 9.11.01 may be remembered alongside 12.7.41 (Pearl Harbor) as a day that awoke a nation. Or perhaps it will take on the same tone as 11.22.63, the day that […]
Boredom vs Tedium vs Mastery
This may sound like a distinction without a difference, but bear with me . . . When you say, “I’m bored,” what are you really saying? I’m not interested? What’s the point? I’d rather be anywhere other than here? You could be bored sitting in a classroom, talking with people you love, or listening to […]
Doritos Makes Transparent Mice
Here’s a headline that wasn’t on my bingo card Scientists use food dye found in Doritos to make see-through mice I think the writer thought this was a good thing. Apparently, you can see through mice if you rub something called “Tartrazine” on them. Not all the way through, but through their skin. Tartrazine is […]
Sometimes You Need to Reinvent
You don’t need me to remind you we live in a world of constant change. I started to make a list, but it got ridiculously long. Instead, I’ll skip to the punch line. Assuming you want to compete and thrive . . . Market forces grind what’s unique and special into what is ordinary and […]
There is No Mastery Without Competition
I like to carve spoons. I also like meditating in the morning, reading books, and farming. None of these seem “competitive.” There isn’t a prize or adversary. The premium is on learning, attention, and practice. And yet, they are competitive in that by allocating my time, energy, and attention to carving, sitting, or reading, I […]
The Sound of a Human Voice
In 1999, I’m still boggled that it is now 25 years ago, a bunch of clever fellows published something called The Cluetrain Manifesto. It’s called that for a reason, though I no longer remember or care why. The internet was far younger and the idea of doing commerce there was still a young and exciting […]
Labor Day
As a kid, I never much liked Labor Day. I had no sense of its roots or broader meaning. In my young mind, the word “labor” was synonymous for work. I had yet to read Marx. I had yet to hear about the Haymarket Riots. May Day was a day in May. What I did […]
What is Rich?
What is rich? A million dollars? A billion dollars? More than the other guy? Own your own island? Two jets? Not having to follow the rules? Or The love of family and friends? Thinking to yourself, “Nobody is having a better time right now than I am.” A good book and not wanting to do […]
Happy Birthday SkyNet
Fans of the Terminator franchise, and who amongst us doesn’t toss off the occasional “I’ll be back,” will not need reminding that at 2:14 Eastern Time (UTC-5) on August 29, 1997, Skynet became self-aware. This was not good. Nevertheless, happy 27th birthday SkyNet. This leads me to several thoughts. Still waiting Anyone there? Predicting anything […]